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ENAC certified Companies
IATS Group is among the companies certified ENAC Part 145 with reference to structural components C20, for components other than complete engines or APU.
Certification is the basis of our company’s work.
Well... let’s see by whom it gets released.

The certification is issued by the National Civil Aviation Authority, namely the Italian authority for technical regulation, certification and supervision in the field of civil aviation.

ENAC is under the control of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport.

The certification is issued to maintenance companies, located on the national territory. Those companies intend to carry out maintenance on aircraft and their components and demonstrate that they meet all the requirements of Annex II (Part-145) and, as applicable, to those in Annex I (Part M) to EU Regulation 1321/21014 of 26 November 2014.

Part 145 approval remains valid until it is returned, suspended or revoked.

Once certified per Part-145, a recommendation report shall be required for continued validity every 24 months from the date of issue.
The report is issued by a professional inspector appointed by the Directorate/ Operations Office of the competent ENAC for the territory.

Italian maintenance organisations certified under Part 145 by ENAC can exercise the privileges set out in paragraph 145.A.75 on aircraft and their components, registered in any of the EASA member countries to which the provisions of EU Regulation No. 2018/1139 apply.
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EASA certified company part 145

IATS Group is an EASA Part 145 certified company concerning C20 structural components, for components other than complete engines or APUs.

But what is EASA and how are certifications issued?

EASA is the European Aviation Safety Agency, an independent legal entity accountable to member states and European institutions.

The European Union established EASA with Regulation (EC) No. 1592/2002, later replaced by No. 216/2008.

EASA has performed several functions in the field of civil aviation since 2003:

  • Regulations: draws up aviation safety rules and provides technical advice to the European Commission and member states;
  • Security: supports the European Commission in identifying security standards;
  • Cooperatives: works with public and private actors to harmonise standards and promote best safety practices;
  • Certificate: responsible for the certification of aeronautical products and inspections on the application of regulations in the Member States.

Concerning the last function, EASA issues the Part 145 certification, the one concerning companies performing the maintenance of civil aviation products.

Aircraft and aeronautical products covered by it:
  • Large and medium aircraft jet;
  • Turboprop aircraft;
  • Lightweight aircraft;
  • Rotary-winged aircraft (helicopters and gyrocopters);
  • Lightweight sport aircraft (balloons, airships, gliders, civil drones);
  • Engines, propellers, flight simulators;
  • Some military aircraft (eg A400M aircraft).
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AS9100 certified companies
IATS Group is among the AS9100 certified companies.
This is further recognition of the high quality of the work carried out by the company operating in Roccadaspide.

But what is the AS9100 certification?
AS9100 is a standard quality management system based on ISO 9001, specific to the aerospace industry. The AS9100 certification testifies to the safety, reliability and regulatory compliance of the products of distributors, maintainers or manufacturers.

It is a globally recognized certification, which provides customers and stakeholders with the assurance that your AQMS supports the provision of products and services in line with the high expectations of the industry.

The standard specifically addresses regulatory, safety and reliability requirements for any aerospace organization, from design and manufacturing to maintenance and distributors and resellers.
The requirements necessary to pursue national and international business opportunities, as a qualified supplier, are met by obtaining certification. Each AS9100 certified company is included in the online aerospace supplier information system (OASIS - Online Aerospace Supplier Information System) managed by IAQG.

The standard provides internationally consistent guidance to address the specific regulations and safety and reliability conditions required for the aerospace industry. It is used and supported by major aerospace companies and the entire supplier chain around the world.
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