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AS9100 certified companies
IATS Group is among the AS9100 certified companies.
This is further recognition of the high quality of the work carried out by the company operating in Roccadaspide.

But what is the AS9100 certification?
AS9100 is a standard quality management system based on ISO 9001, specific to the aerospace industry. The AS9100 certification testifies to the safety, reliability and regulatory compliance of the products of distributors, maintainers or manufacturers.

It is a globally recognized certification, which provides customers and stakeholders with the assurance that your AQMS supports the provision of products and services in line with the high expectations of the industry.

The standard specifically addresses regulatory, safety and reliability requirements for any aerospace organization, from design and manufacturing to maintenance and distributors and resellers.
The requirements necessary to pursue national and international business opportunities, as a qualified supplier, are met by obtaining certification. Each AS9100 certified company is included in the online aerospace supplier information system (OASIS - Online Aerospace Supplier Information System) managed by IAQG.

The standard provides internationally consistent guidance to address the specific regulations and safety and reliability conditions required for the aerospace industry. It is used and supported by major aerospace companies and the entire supplier chain around the world.
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